
Promoting Body Confidence
These activity packs from Free Being Me are for different ages help to build body confidence and self-esteem in young girls

Understanding online sexual harassment
This toolkit helps secondary school students to understand what is meant by sexual harassment, providing step to step guidelines on what to do if this happens to you.
Safeguarding Policy and Procedure Templates – In this section you can view example safeguarding policy and procedure documents. They are free to download and amend to meet your needs. They are written in the UK, so will need to be amended for Zimbabwe context.
Adult Mental Health Resources

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy Workbook
A comprehensive guide about how depression, low mood, anxiety, worry, stress and panic affects you, and how you can use CBT to feel better
Mental Health for Parents Resources

Talking with your children
Simple advice and guidelines for parents about how to start conversations about their child’s feelings
Adolescent Mental Health Resources

Learning about self harm
This booklet aims to help you understand more about self-harm and what to do if you are worried about yourself or someone else. It explains what self-harm is, what to do if you or someone you know is self-harming, and how to get help

Nature and mental health
A short guide exploring how nature can benefit your mental health

Young people’s guide to stressful situations
A booklet with advice from young people describing the things that help them cope and support their well-being